In this update, I’m going to tell you about our focus areas within the product last month and what we were busy developing:
- Improving how you can use our framework when it comes to data enrichment and data validation;
- Improving reporting overall and introducing the new report for verification modules;
- Discovering transition to “Checkin” - a unified experience for sign-ups and logins, ensuring optimal conversion globally;
- Optimising the performance of the Connect technology;
Data enrichment gateway
It is proven that data enrichment during the sign-up process radically improves the conversion rate. There are multiple data sources available to get more detailed information based on what users provide, in order to keep the amount of data inputs to the minimum and instead of typing suggest information for users to review and approve.
While new data suppliers are being added constantly to the framework it becomes really convenient to use data enrichment for different data points all under one API. For our partners it is now available to get access not only to the sign-up product but also to the data enrichment gateway as a separate service. You can use it independently of the sign-up, for example, to enrich your existing user profiles or in any other use case you need.
Let us know if you’re interested in the data enrichment and we’ll help you to get going with the data sources available, including email ownership and quality, address and mobile number data worldwide, personal number and companies lookups, verification data and eIDs in multiple countries.
Schufa and BankID available through easy integration (SDK, JS or API)
Good news is that framework now has the technical integration to Schufa - Germany's leading credit bureau, a reliable source of information for corporate and private customers, holding credit rating information about 67.9 million persons and 6 million companies.
Another great integration to mention is BankID in Sweden. Several partners have already been using BankID technical implementation through our framework for authentication purposes. The way it works for those partners who want to enable it - is that in order to start use this eID service you must first acquire a certificate from one of the selected banks for your organization. can now assist in that process too.
Data validation
Data accuracy has always been one of the key factors for a successful user acquisition. The most important when in comes to the sign up conversion rates is not only the completion but the business value of each new customer.
Based on the data from the different industries, normally there is a strong correlation between the number of completed sign ups with and without data validation and the number of activated customers (for instance, who passed verification and made a payment/deposit).
We have seen that increasing the accuracy and validation of user data can decrease the conversion rate upon signup, but at the same time increasing the total value of new customers. modules for email and mobile numbers have validation included by default. Emails are being checked on the score of deliverability, which prevents you from getting mistyped, fake or invalid ones. Mobile number formats are always validated based on country specific rules.
The idea behind has always been changing the way users connect with services. This is very relevant not only the first time a user signs up, but also all the other times when a user returns and logs in. Therefore, we are happy to pioneer the term “Checkin” instead of the outdated combo of Login and Sign up. We focus on developing the leading checkin solution ensuring conversion in a global context. A few key principles:
- Users are in control of their personal data and their preferred way of authentication;
- Replace passwords with frictionless and more reliable alternatives;
- A unified experience and highest conversion for both login and sign up process;
We get it! No-one wants another dashboard. Our reporting system structure is based on the feedback we’re getting from our partners. It has data points that are truly meaningful and indicative, which are presented in a format optimized for clarity and readability.
Our behavioral data is filled with millions of parameters every day, recording every event from click to keystroke. It allows the framework for optimization. However, the aggregation of the data for the fast reporting can always be improved. The new system will also allow for more granular figures per markets, per device different timeframes; providing numbers from a certain module performance in a specific flow blazing fast.
Our data analytics team has also developed a new type of report to be used for the verification services. This report includes data separately for each market and 3d party solutions’ success and fail rates as well as the recovery flow vs drop-off figures.
Launch signup on third party sites
During the past weeks we have worked hard to cut the load size of the Remote flows enormously. On fast internet lines the difference is hard to detect but on medium to slow internet connections the load times have been cut by many important seconds to avoid drop offs.
We have also introduced a configuration setting fully supported by The upside of this feature is that it allows affiliates to add the simple integration code on their side, but let us control when to run remote functionality and when to switch to a redirect.
From now on you can specify the list of supported markets and which behavior on which of the affiliates you want to trigger.
I hope you liked the product update. Feel free to drop a line if you have any feedback or questions. Stay tuned!
/Alexey and the team